Simyra – a platform to see, search and share loan agreements

Simyra – a platform to see, search and share loan agreements

How do you create an online presence to engage investors and encourage early adopters?

Founded by magic circle finance lawyer, Nihaal Khanna, Simyra addresses the problem of operational inefficiencies surrounding loan agreements.

When Nihaal Khanna introduced us to Simyra, we could see the potential to empower banking and financial professionals. With a goal of securing further investment and engaging early adopters, we set to work to elevate the online presence.

Birds eye view of Simyra brand framework pages

A framework for communication

We began by getting to know Nihaal and the ambitions for the company, and drawing out the distinct value proposition to address the needs of the target audience. We created a Brand Messaging Framework to capture the company purpose, value proposition and tone of voice that can be utilised to direct all future communications. Clarity and consistency in messaging is crucial to build a credible and memorable brand profile so it was an important starting point.

A refreshed website

Utilising the Brand Messaging Framework, we set about refreshing the existing website and bring the content up to speed with the company’s ambitions and growth stage. Content was elaborated to showcase the proposition, adding information about services and the team behind Simyra. Central to the redevelopment was a clear call to action plus HubSpot integration to support lead nurturing.

Simyra website on iMac
Hubspot demo view on laptop screen

Setting up a powerful CRM platform

We selected HubSpot as a CRM platform and marketing automation tool for Simyra. We handled the initial set up, including data standardisation, import and segmentation, and established a deals system to enable Simyra to efficiently move from lead generation through to conversion and contracts.

Simyra is going from strength to strength and has secured significant investment since the website relaunch.

With Eleven’s support Simyra has a credible online presence and framework to communicate and engage with key stakeholders for growth.

Visit to find out more, and see how Simyra can give you the gift of time.

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