IVM Markets UK Ltd – Democratising the world of customised investments

IVM Markets UK Ltd – Democratising the world of customised investments

How do you heighten a FinTech startup's online presence to the level of their blue-sky thinking?

IVM Markets UK Ltd (IVM) is on a mission to democratise the world of Customised Investments. 

Through an intuitive SaaS product, IVM is enabling professional investors to build, price and risk manage customised portfolios themselves, rather than rely on a limited number of global banks that hold a monopoly over the practice due to expensive and complex infrastructure.

With an MVP of the SaaS solution in place, and engagement with stakeholders occurring across the world, we worked with IVM to articulate their mission and develop an online presence to effectively showcase their services and story.

IVM Markets Brand Messaging Framework

Beginning with a Brand Messaging Framework

To set a strong foundation for growth, a Brand Messaging Framework was established to direct all communications and provide consistency and clarity to messaging. This included defining the company’s purpose and value proposition, and establishing the tone of the business as challenging existing structures, and empowering end-users. 

Establishing a strong online presence

Operating in a global market, and engaging with stakeholders across the world, it is imperative that IVM hold a strong online presence. Guided by the Brand Messaging Framework, we developed a new iteration of the website to better showcase their unique proposition.

To match their growth stage, the site builds credibility for the company through promotion of the founders, and belief in the product by showcasing principle benefits, and tailoring the user journey to a conversion goal of requesting a product demonstration. The use of simplified, clear messaging aligns with the company values of accessibility and speed, and complements the refreshed clean and crisp design aesthetic.

Establishing a credible destination for information is crucial for founder confidence in engaging stakeholders.

IVM website feature view
Title slide of IVM presentation 'Breaking into an exclusive club'

Outreach and engagement

We worked with IVM to refine their LinkedIn company page and team member profiles, building credibility through articulate promotion of their extensive experience and expertise. Building in key messaging, LinkedIn can now be leveraged as valuable aid to outbound marketing, lead generation and networking.

As a key asset to investor and partner conversations, we produced a branded presentation deck, with a template that can be repurposed and expanded in line with the growth of the company.

IVM's solution creates a paradigm shift for the financial industry.

At the beginning of their journey, we’ve no doubt that the expertise and insights held by the IVM founding team and the innovative solution they've developed will be welcomed and adopted by finance professionals globally.

With Eleven’s support IVM have a digital presence to add further confidence and credibility to their proposition. 

To find out more about IVM visit the website and follow the company on LinkedIn.


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Person drawing up a site design on a whiteboard