Rise & Own

Rise & Own aligns business strategy, product innovation and commercial networks for accelerated growth.

Fractional CMO | Innovation Workshops | Commercial Partnerships

Led by Experience

The Rise & Own network is led by Richard Lucas, a seasoned entrepreneur.

  • 11 years of founder and co-founder experience: Discerning Digital, Eleven Content, Founder Revenue Academy.
  • Advised over 50 startups on digital strategies and growth.
  • Leading companies to Series B and US expansion.
  • Industry expert and consultant, including board member for the Centre for Digital Innovation at The Manchester Metropolitan University’s Innovation Accelerator.


“Richard’s experience in digital strategy and innovation has been instrumental to getting us to where we are today, with 100+ staff and US expansion. He has helped us navigate multiple brand and website iterations, agency, media and PR partners on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as been a trusted advisor to the senior team.”
Alan Foreman, B-Secur CEO

Work With Us

Strategy. Innovation. Results.